Monday, February 11, 2008

February 11, 2008

Another warm day is expected on the Palouse. We never went below freezing last night which is great for the demise of the snow pile (and all the other snow around here). I'm elated with the turn in the weather. Spring is on its way! I think you can see that the pile has shrunk quite a bit.

The only bad thing about the snow melting is dog shit. That's right, dog shit. There are a lot of lazy dog owners out there who rarely pick up their dog's crap. For some reason when there is snow around this phenomenon increases exponentially. Yesterday I was on a walk and saw so many pieces of bloated watery old dog poo all over the sidewalks and roads. What gives people? Just because there is snow does not mean that your dog’s crap will disappear. Pick that shit up! That being said I’ll take some dog crap in the area rather than the snow.

To summarize:
Watery, old, diluted dog crap > snow


UltraMick said...

Shrinking snow piles and broad daylight before lunchtime are sure signs that spring is on its way! Congrats on your new team!

Anonymous said...

It's amazing what a a few days can do around here. We now can actually ride up here. No more driving to ride.

The Carter team will be a lot of fun. Change can be good sometimes!