View from the street. The plow finally came by yesterday which may or may not strengthen the pile. We shall see. There is a large chunk of the pile gone towards the left of the picture. This is because some idiots in their fancy Ford Focus got stuck in it last week (after getting stuck in another snow pile up the street). The assholes then shoveled themselves out and subsequently threw all the snow in front of my driveway. I have nothing against the Ford Focus...however...when you slap on that stupid ass loud tailpipe, tint your windows, lower the car and put $2000 rims on it you, my friend, are a dumbass.
We are blessed with another "warmer" day on the Palouse. It's above freezing (around 37) and the wind is howling once again which, according to my co-worker, speeds up thawing of snow. I have no empircal evidence for this theory but I'll run with it. The snow pile has begun to shrink. Notice that you can actually see the asphalt and side walk now. Everyone around here is worried about a fast thaw since Pullman will flood. We shall see...